Coming soon: If you have a specific interest (i.e. Therapy techniques or business development), you can click on those pages. Otherwise, we've got some "Building Block" ideas and concepts below. Happy learning!
We do have a LOT of information on this site. So where do you begin?
A) There was probably one topic that attracted you to visit us, that should be where you start.
Was your interest learning different therapy techniques? Then review our anatomy pages, Muscle Box and Nerve Box and then dive into the Tool Box training
Was your interest learning how to get more clients in the door? Then start with the Business Box. After that, you'll want to review A Better You page and subscribe to the Secret Sauce page to learn how we got more business than one person can handle.
B) In either case you'll want to spend some regular time learning how to make you A Better You. Jim Rohn says our mission in life is to do the best we can with tools we have been given. Personal Development is a never ending journey.
C) Are you still trying to figure out HOW you will make your way in the body work industry? Check out the Business Box page to make an assessment of your skills and motivations. Remember, "The most important thing in life is: Do you enjoy what you do when you wake up in the morning." If you make the wrong decision about how to style your massage work, then you'll eventually regret your choice.
D) Do you want learn more about "Body Engineering" and how to better time your therapy sessions?
Then a look at some of our free content, and subscribe to to the Secret Sauce page. You can cancel at any time.
E) The good news is you can access a number of free videos and information to see if a subscription or course is right for you.
Knowing your "why" is vital to being able to actually accomplish any goal.
Understanding"Why" you do something is more important than knowing "How" or "What" you do. Please take a moment to reflect on your "Why".
We learned in a business course that people start a new endeavor for "the money" (passion),
BUT they succeed because of "the mission" ( your "Why" multiplied by a system). Your mission needs to be strong enough to keep you going through the seasons of your business. However, you'll need more than passion to succeed. You'll need to learn how to navigate the "Seasons" of your business.
What are the seasons of your business?
1) We start our new venture in the season of opportunity, Spring. In springtime, the weather has changed from the cold winter and the conditions are right to plant something new (or re-start a successful harvest).
2) Next comes Summer, which means "protect your crop like a father, and nourish your crop like a mother". Even though summer is the growing season, you still need to water and fertilize your crop. You still need to protect your crop from insects and maybe from birds that will destroy your crop.
3) Next come Fall, which means "harvest your crop". Jim Rohn says: "If you have a good crop, don't brag, and if you have a bad crop, don't complain... just figure out how to have a better Spring and Summer next year - because Spring and Summer always come.
4) What about Winter? After your harvest (Fall), winter usually means cold, unagreeable weather. In business, winter means the times when a client quits, or maybe you get sick. BUT, winter is also an opportunity repair equipment (if you're on a farm), or call some old business clients if you have a slow therapy day.
Remember, THE SEASONS ALWAYS COME! After winter, spring always comes!
And in business, you might see all four seasons in the same day!
If you know your WHY, and have a SYSTEM, you can get through the seasons and create a very good harvest!
My favorite mentor, Jim Rohn (1930-2009) said that in any endeavor in life, there are only about a half dozen skills you need to learn in order to be successful. We have observed that nobody has all of the necessary skills in place when they start out! We are ready to teach you those necessary skills!
Remember, everyone can start the journey of learning how to be successful! You can learn the skills you need.
Another mentor, golf pro Danny Crowley says this: "Those who know how to learn, know enough."
Think about this quote for a minute...
If you are a "learner", then you can use our system to learn these therapy techniques and how to build too much business. But, it all starts with personal development.
So even if your primary goal with us is learning new therapy skills or business skills, you'll still want to look at the personal development page and find one of the mentors you like.
Jim Rohn says: "Life is about doing as much as you can with the tools you have been given."
I was never big enough or strong enough to play football. However, it turned out I was pretty good at running 5K races up to the marathon distance. I didn't worry about the sport I could not do, rather I focused on my "good sport".
Please use your strengths to learn from our website, while you add more skills to do better and better and better in your therapy business.
My personal business coach, Rusty Smith taught me about S.W.O.T.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.
On one side you have Strengths and Opportunities.
On the other side you have Weaknesses and Threats.
You need to learn both sides, especially so that you can manage weaknesses and threats in whatever you are doing.
We will have a more detailed explanation in the "Secret Sauce" page.
How does that relate to our website? We provide you with ways to maximize your Strengths and Opportunities...
a) Written education
b) Visual education
c) Verbal instruction, and
d) Suggestions about Kinetic awareness as you learn new therapy techniques.
On the Business Box and Secret Sauce pages we provide you with ways to identify and deal with your Weaknesses and Threats to your business.
I read an article by Scott Adams about "Finding your passion". We've all heard that phrase before. Scott Adams wanted to be successful and thought that being passionate was the biggest key.
He failed at several endeavors about which he was passionate.
One was working the the banking industry for several years.
Another failure was creating a sports product which helped tennis players keep their hands dry. Another failure as a grocery delivery business. We now know Scott was "ahead of his time" with that idea!
Scott finally realized that passion was not the key, rather "Having a system".
Scott Adams finally create the Dilbert cartoon, and became VERY successful!
What does that mean for you?
You can utilize our online massage training website to have a SYSTEM of creating success in your therapy business and in your personal life.
If you've gotten down to this section, that tells us that you are a "learner".
Where do you begin?
I would recommend that you go the section of your biggest concern (usually the Tool Box or the Business Box), but set some regular time aside to explore the "A Better You" section. We have several mentors listed so you can find the personal development trainer that matches your personality. I believe all the personal development and business mentors all have a similar message, but their "Presentation Style" can be different.
What does that mean for you?
Find a mentor whose personality and delivery keeps you coming back for more learning.
A) Dr. Janet Travell paves the way for our therapy techniques
B) How I discovered Swedish Massage and then Neuromuscular Therapy
C) Fundamental concepts
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